Yes… The Level 100 Glitch Works on Pokemon Yellow for the 3DS.
i wish i knew about this when i first played yellow in ‘99… but i was a dumb tweenie, so. you know.
familiar with the glitch? follow along and laugh at me. unfamiliar? follow along! …then laugh at me anyway.
see that trainer on the left? we don’t like him. that’s the trainer in the viridian forest that you wanna avoid fighting.
the log fence to your right? stay close to that to dodge him, then go around him to head to pewter city. get all the poke balls you can afford (trust me), get one escape rope (you’ll see), heal your pokemon, and go back to viridian forest. the photo above is where i saved – i would save at this point in case you screw the next part up – and you will. you have to do the next part precise to get it right. it is okay, i failed 473912810 times. walk all the way to the right of the screen so the trainer isn’t in view, and stand at the bottom right corner of the grass.
you’re gonna move forward to the trainer while hitting start (or x) at the same time. you want the menu to pop up. if you did it right, the ! wont pop up on his head yet and the menu will appear. if not, reset the game and try again until it works. once at the menu, go to items, then escape rope. use it!
once you use the escape rope, the exclamation point will appear and the music will change for a moment to indicate you’ve been spotted and are about to be challenged for a battle… but then you peace out of there thanks to the escape rope, and you’ll end up at the last pokemon center you were at – pewter city.
o hai. welcome back.
walk to the right and keep going as if you’re leaving pewter city. your start (or x) buttons won’t work, and you won’t be able to heal your pokemon, buy items, or talk to anyone. keep going until you see this guy…
be sure to not be directly beside him. he’ll talk about brock and walk you back into pewter city to brock’s gym. but don’t fight him! not yet anyway.
at this point, i’m pretty sure pikachu is sick of my shit, tbh.
look at him. he’s so done with me. fakest smile i’ve ever seen.
anyway… instead of fighting brock, you’re gonna head south, back toward the forest. you’ll see this area of grass which you’re gonna walk around in until you get in a pokemon battle. this part is hella important. hella.
you want to successfully use growl six times. as in: you hear the pokemon growl, you see the music notes, and the wild pokemon weakens. six times. if it says ‘but it failed!’ try it again until it works six times. after those six times, kick the wild pokemon’s ass and make it faint.
bye felicia.
once you knock out the pokemon, head out of the grass and south back to the viridian forest. if you encounter another wild pokemon while trying to exit the grass patch, do the six growls again. sorryyyyy.
no i just walk around with one. for no reason.
once you walk back into the forest, the glitch of the trainer you were supposed to fight appears, and you immediately get into a fight. i kept messing this part up. i kept getting non level 1s – and yes, i know we’re after a level 100, but we wanna start with 1. just do it.
there are various pokemon you can encounter here. feel free to reset to get the one you want. i know i did… over 30 times… anyway…
nidoking does NOT like pokeballs. “you missed the pokemon!” I DID NOT. LOOK AT HIM. HE’S THE SIZE OF A HOUSE. I DIDN’T MISS SHIT. whatever. i reset the game to try my luck again.
lickitung loves to use wrap and mess with my life… i got mad and reset the game to try again.
i also encountered an exeggcute, slowbro, and voltorb. kept resetting. then finally i stumbled upon the one i wanted…
i paralyzed it and used tail whip to lower its defenses. this is where the 57395729 poke balls come into play. keep throwing poke balls until you capture the pokemon of choice. or until you want to fling your 3ds out a window but don’t do it because that’ll suck.
then cry because you’ve been doing this for hours and you’ve lost control of your life.
you’re paralyzed and level 1, why aren’t you staying in the poke ball? stay in the poke ball.
next part – i’m using screencaps of lickitung instead but still follow me.
move your level 1 pokemon to the first spot. then save the game. go into the grass and find a pokemon under level 5. if you find anything above, reset the game, start again. once you find a weak pokemon to take advantage of, switch your stronger pokemon into the game after the level 1 gets thrown in. faint the hell out of the wild pokemon.
oh, just 11 experience points, ok – BAM. MIRACLES. ANGELS SING.
save. the. crap. out. of. your. game. then cry with joy.
i did this for hours. once i knew i could have an ivysaur, i was determined to make the glitch work with it. i didn’t want any other pokemon.
a couple things to note, if you get the “hi! do you have a pikachu?” message while in viridian forest, and the pokemon that appears is not level 1, that means you have to do the glitch again. it probably wasn’t enough correct growls.
make sure your party has space for the level 1 pokemon! if it gets transferred to someone’s pc and you try to take it out, your game will freeze. believe me i know from painful experience.
do not knock out the level 1!!!!! i wouldn’t even try to attack it unless you have a weak pokemon at level 2 or something. aim on lowering its defenses and if you can paralyze it or anything, try that too. then just throw tons of pokeballs.
this was the step by step guide i followed. it was really helpful, thank you to whoever did that! i am in no way the first to do this, but it’s awesome to know the glitches still work on the 3ds. my boyfriend confirmed the mew glitch still works too, so that’s my next glitch goal.
have fun, pokemon trainers… be the best there ever was… zzzzzzzzz